Practitioner Directory
LVLUP Health has a list of preferred practitioners listed below. If you're not on the list but feel like you should be polease fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
Thom Yorke
[email protected]Thomas Edward Yorke (born 7 October 1968) is an English musician who is the main vocalist and songwriter of the rock band Radiohead.
Luca Aoun
boostyourbiology.comFrom a very young age, I became interested in the effects of certain
foods and herbs on my own physiological and psychological performance. -
Jonathan Antignani
[email protected]Fitness Trainer
🏋🏻Human Performance
💪🏻Advanced Certified Trainer
🥑 Nutrition Coach
🦠Hormone and Gut Health Specialist
Thom Yorke
[email protected]Thomas Edward Yorke (born 7 October 1968) is an English musician who is the main vocalist and songwriter of the rock band Radiohead.
Luca Aoun
boostyourbiology.comFrom a very young age, I became interested in the effects of certain
foods and herbs on my own physiological and psychological performance. -
Jonathan Antignani
[email protected]Fitness Trainer
🏋🏻Human Performance
💪🏻Advanced Certified Trainer
🥑 Nutrition Coach
🦠Hormone and Gut Health Specialist