LVLUP Health has a list of preferred practitioners listed below. If you're not on the list but feel like you should be polease fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

  • Matt Legge

    Matt Legge has been a practitioner for over 20 years. 
  • Thom Yorke

    Thomas Edward Yorke (born 7 October 1968) is an English musician who is the main vocalist and songwriter of the rock band Radiohead.

    [email protected] 
  • Luca Aoun

    From a very young age, I became interested in the effects of certain
    foods and herbs on my own physiological and psychological performance. 
  • Jonathan Antignani

    Fitness Trainer
    🏋🏻Human Performance
    💪🏻Advanced Certified Trainer
    🥑 Nutrition Coach
    🦠Hormone and Gut Health Specialist

    [email protected] 
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  • Matt Legge

    Matt Legge has been a practitioner for over 20 years. 
  • Thom Yorke

    Thomas Edward Yorke (born 7 October 1968) is an English musician who is the main vocalist and songwriter of the rock band Radiohead.

    [email protected] 
  • Luca Aoun

    From a very young age, I became interested in the effects of certain
    foods and herbs on my own physiological and psychological performance. 
  • Jonathan Antignani

    Fitness Trainer
    🏋🏻Human Performance
    💪🏻Advanced Certified Trainer
    🥑 Nutrition Coach
    🦠Hormone and Gut Health Specialist

    [email protected] 
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